Sunday, January 31, 2010

Holy Crap! Longtime No Posts?!?!?!

So for anyone who is reading my blog, I apologize for the LONG DELAY in posting here. Real life caught up to me in a 20 fold and a lot has changed with my life since 9/11/08 (my last post). I forgot I even had a blog since I have been crazy busy until a friend of mine reminded me of this blog and suggested I restart it...

So I'm BACK!!! I may be changing the format of this blog slightly, but not by much. My first big review will be later this week when recieve the first product I want to talk about from ^_^ I will also be adding some tips and techniques I picked up over the years on applying make up as well as some general babble about other crap.

So come back later this week for new stuff.

For now, you can entertain yourself with this picture of my cat, Fried Rice:

Love and Hugs,